Saturday, February 17, 2007

A Bit About This Blog

This entry has been revised since first written; It was last revised on 23-Apr-09.

May this blog inspire you.
May it make you love more passionately,
Feel more spiritually,
Think more wholistically,
And be more connected with the Light.

The writing here is semi-anonymous, and that is for your benefit:
You can imagine the writer might be female, or male, old, or young, dreadlocked, bald, sporting a perm or cute bangs, tall, short, dumpy, thin, of whatever race you like.
Cast the writer in your own guise, or in the guise you like.
This identity exists to affirm, encourage and grow YOU.

But if you need to learn more about me, there is at least one post that identifies me clearly, and it is not a secret. If you look for it, you will find it. So you can choose to find out if you must. Many people in my life know of my work here, and visit this blog.

The theology here is not intended to be consistent. Instead it is intended to help point the way towards, or illustrate spiritual truth as we encounter it in this world, as best I can make it do so. And sometimes, sometimes it will be just me, expressing my struggle.

Posts will be relatively short, just enough to savor, enough to contemplate - because you are busy, and because life is short... don't have time to download the unabridged guide to joy, instead you need a signpost, a suggestion, a hint. After all, God is whispering in your ear every just need some reinforcement... -and the occasional reminder to listen.

All posts are subject to revision, although mostly I don't have time to do such things.

Links are provided to web-sites I have found inspirational. I will change them on occasion, and will generally note those changes. Feel free to forward me link suggestions.

Feel free to comment on what is posted here, or to add your own, unrelated stories or thoughts. Please be polite. Impolite or cruel posts don't belong here and will be removed, as will posts only intended to advertise. Welcoming, inclusive and inspirational posts do belong and will be preserved.

Feel free to use what is here if it inspires you, just cite this blog as your source, and provide a link to the entry, if possible.

May God bless you, walk with you, inspire you, and energize your spirit.

-Locust Eater

1 comment:

Tom G. said...


Employer : The Spirit of Jesus and the Father:

Responsibilities include:
Becoming an instrument of peace,
Where there is hatred, you are to sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is discord, harmony;
Where there is error, truth;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
Praying the following prayer (or pray in your own words) each day
O Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Tools provided by you:
Willingness to work hard
Strength to handle rejection
Faith that God will help you.
Prayer that will sustain you.

Tools provided by Employer:
Creativity and Intelligence.
Unbelievable strength.
The Words of Jesus .
Spiritual power.
Ability to change a life.
A role in changing the world.

Compensation (Pay):

Start Time: The second you commit in your mind and heart to accept this offer.

Confirm by signing :________________________________________ Date: ________________
(Adaptation of prayer of St Francis of Assisi, One of the Greatest saints that ever lived)

Feel free to alter, reprint, distribute or use the above in any non-exclusive way that will help bring the Ultimate High to anyone who will accept the job.
Tom, the composer.