February is finally over
Really it seems to me it went quickly
Not being a fan of cold and wet
(And few who have jobs or responsibilities they must commute for are fans)...
I am glad to see the back end
Of this too-often icy, stormy, and snowy month.
Too many people had accidents this month, and too many died.
And it occurs to me that the beginning of March can be just as bad.
If you must give up something for Lent,
Why not give up jockeying for position on the highway,
Zooming past the annoying slowpokes,
Barging into and through traffic,
And driving over the speed limit?
Take a little more time.
What's your rush?
If you speed through life,
You may just get to its end a little sooner than you might like,
And without noticing the beauty on the way.
Letting someone else go first might make a difference in their life, and driving a little slower and more carefully might save your life, and the lives of others too.
Taking it easy on the roads this Lent might be not only a fast, but a gift to yourself, your family, and to the people you share the roads with.
Truly this would be a Godly fast, and a good habit to retain once Lent is past.
I promise not to honk.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Slow Down for Lent
Posted by
6:24 AM
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Tending The Flock of God
After 1 Peter 5:
Tend the flock of God, but not by driving them with force and law, but by leading them gently; be an example to the flock so that, when the chief shepherd appears, you will win the crown of glory that never fades away.
Posted by
1:00 AM
Labels: Leadership, Ministry, Peter
Monday, February 26, 2007
Snow and Sin
Snow covers this morning in my little town.
It hides a good quantity of minor suburban lawn-sins.
The boy's toy truck abandoned in the back yard becomes a small white mound,
The Christmas tree awaiting use in a campfire next year becomes a larger hummock,
Places where fallen twigs needed picking up, or where chipmunks and beetles have ruined bits of lawn are totally hidden away.
Each groundskeeping sin is covered by pure robes of snow, whiter than any Earthly fuller could bleach.
It is with joy that I report that, like my minor suburban groundskeeping crimes, our personal and corporate sins can similarly be covered, forgiven, and hidden away.
And how is this possible, when the ones you sinned against are resolute against you, or long lost, in perhaps many ways?
It is only possible as we all belong to God, and any real crimes committed against each other belong, in the end, to our loving God, who is as broad as creation and as patient as eternity. Seek forgiveness from those you have harmed, if possible, and make peace, but also, bring your sins to God's throne, and you will receive the peace of God.
Posted by
7:51 AM
Labels: Forgiveness, Love, Peace, Sin
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Always Wanting More
We want more
We need more
More money
More things
More energy
More enthusiasm
More life
Often we feel that we don’t have enough
Just the other day, while thinking that I did not have enough time for myself,
to do the things that I hoped to do, to contemplate, to create, to help, and even just to relax...
I drove by a cluster of emergency vehicles on the edge of a road
The people working there wanted more too
More time to help
More blood
More speed
More equipment
More life-saving drugs
More skilled hands
Suddenly, the everyday ‘mores’ and ‘needs’ that had filled my day became much, much smaller.
May God grant you more:
More vision
More inspiration
More balance
More love
More energy
May God grant you less:
Less distractions
Less self-orientation
Less feeling sorry for yourself
Less inclination to do things that are not helpful
And may God grant you Peace.
Posted by
4:52 PM
Thursday, February 22, 2007
We are together;
We do things together.
We want to be together.
Sometimes we do things apart,
Even things that our partners don’t understand or like,
But we like to do things together.
We eat together;
We pray together;
We are together.
We think differently about a lot of things;
We discuss, argue even, but at the end of the day;
We are together.
There is no physical chain that holds us;
There is no law that compels us;
There is no force that prevents us from leaving;
We can go separate ways if we like;
And sometimes we will go separate ways;
But we like being together;
And we will come back together;
We are together.
May God bless us with many relationships like this;
In our relationships with God;
In our relationships with each other;
And in our corporate relationships;
May we be always
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Starting Over for Lent
I threw it all away today
All the extra words
All the sheets of paper
All the clutter all the stuff
All the angry feelings
At the foolish and the evil
All the hopeless anger
All the thoughts and plans
Today my desk is empty
Today I said goodbye
Today I'm starting over
Me and that big blue sky
Posted by
11:34 PM
Monday, February 19, 2007
To The Saints Of The Church In Dar Es Salaam
When needed, we are there
We visit you in prison
We feed your hungry
We clothe your naked
We heal your sick
We rebuild your homes
We bring sight to your blind
We tell you of God
We restore your Faith
Every day, if we obey God, we should be doing these things for those in need, free of concern for labels or borders, free of concern for names, or orientations.
We are all sorts of people, and invite all sorts of people to join in our ministry, but our souls are one.
Our calling is the same one that brought us to you when you were called sinful, unworthy, soulless, and irredeemable.
Our calling continues, welcoming and healing others called sinful, unworthy, soulless, and irredeemable.
May we continue always to do what we see our Father in Heaven doing.
Posted by
11:17 PM
Goodbye to Meat!
I can't imagine
Giving up meat for a month
Or for 40 days, not counting Sundays;
Not to mention celebrations;
Or wine, or rich foods.
But if I did, or if I had to
Perhaps I would throw a party;
And say: "Goodbye to Meat"
People give up other things
Take on other fasts.
What is the fast that God asks of you?
What sacrifice?
Perhaps it isn't about meat at all.
I need to say goodbye to some of the chaos.
Say goodbye to some of the busywork.
Clean out my soul and make it ready for new missions, new ways to help.
I need to make room.
I need to prepare for the risen Lord.
Posted by
11:17 PM
Labels: Carnival, Lent, Mardi-Gras, Mission
Sunday, February 18, 2007
About The Feast
The feast doesn't end at the altar
The feast doesn't end with a prayer
The feast doesn't end with dismissal
The feast doesn't end just there.
'Are you able to drink the cup I drink?'
Are we able to feast with our God?
God's feast isn't just for us to eat and drink.
God's feast is something more.
God's feast is what we try to do with our whole lives.
Join the Feast!
Posted by
8:20 AM
Saturday, February 17, 2007
A Bit About This Blog
This entry has been revised since first written; It was last revised on 23-Apr-09.
May this blog inspire you.
May it make you love more passionately,
Feel more spiritually,
Think more wholistically,
And be more connected with the Light.
The writing here is semi-anonymous, and that is for your benefit:
You can imagine the writer might be female, or male, old, or young, dreadlocked, bald, sporting a perm or cute bangs, tall, short, dumpy, thin, of whatever race you like.
Cast the writer in your own guise, or in the guise you like.
This identity exists to affirm, encourage and grow YOU.
But if you need to learn more about me, there is at least one post that identifies me clearly, and it is not a secret. If you look for it, you will find it. So you can choose to find out if you must. Many people in my life know of my work here, and visit this blog.
The theology here is not intended to be consistent. Instead it is intended to help point the way towards, or illustrate spiritual truth as we encounter it in this world, as best I can make it do so. And sometimes, sometimes it will be just me, expressing my struggle.
Posts will be relatively short, just enough to savor, enough to contemplate - because you are busy, and because life is short... ...you don't have time to download the unabridged guide to joy, instead you need a signpost, a suggestion, a hint. After all, God is whispering in your ear every day...you just need some reinforcement... -and the occasional reminder to listen.
All posts are subject to revision, although mostly I don't have time to do such things.
Links are provided to web-sites I have found inspirational. I will change them on occasion, and will generally note those changes. Feel free to forward me link suggestions.
Feel free to comment on what is posted here, or to add your own, unrelated stories or thoughts. Please be polite. Impolite or cruel posts don't belong here and will be removed, as will posts only intended to advertise. Welcoming, inclusive and inspirational posts do belong and will be preserved.
Feel free to use what is here if it inspires you, just cite this blog as your source, and provide a link to the entry, if possible.
May God bless you, walk with you, inspire you, and energize your spirit.
-Locust Eater
Posted by
9:09 PM
Lent is Coming
Lent is coming
I am hoping
To de-trash-ify my life
Lent is coming
I am hoping
For a bit less strife
Lent is coming
I'll be thinking
How to keep things calm
Lent is coming
May it sooth us,
A peaceful Lenten balm
Lent is coming
Let's be quiet
Working towards the prize
Lent is coming
Let's keep looking
For Paschal suprise
Lent is coming
Let's be kinder
Nicer to each one
Lent is coming
Pray it heals us
By the time it's done
Posted by
8:35 AM
Friday, February 16, 2007
Rest, Worthy Servant.
You can't be always churning
Rockets always burning
You can't always be running
Can't always look stunning
You won't be tip top always
And that's why we like Fridays
When the race is done
And hopefully won
We head home to rest,
To sleep late, in our nest.
Well done, Be Blessed.
For those of you seeking the source of the phrase 'well done good and worthy servant', it can be found in 'the parable of the talents' which begins at Matthew 25:14 -
“Well done, good and trustworthy [servant]; you have been trustworthy in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.”
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Eat This Scroll!
There are some foods that,
When you eat or drink them,
More than a little,
They drain you of energy...
They leach vitamins from your body...
They addict you...
They confuse and muddle you...
They rot the flesh and bones of you.
I have different food.
It calms your heart.
It clears your blood vessels.
It clears your mind.
It strengthens you.
It helps you grow.
It can even make you wise.
But first you must eat it, digest it, and make it part of you.
I have this food from God, the Great Chef, the Creator of the banquet that lies before us. God, who loves us every one, wherever we stand and whomever we are.
Why would you spend for that which is not wholesome, and eat that which does not satisfy? Come, buy without money and eat that which is good for you.
Isaiah 55:1 Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
This food is transformative, creative, empowering, and inclusive.
All are invited to share in the feast, and in sharing, to become siblings.
Eating, and sharing, we are changed.
And being changed, we become new.
Share in the feast of love.
Posted by
6:52 AM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
And the Greatest of These is Love.
Special for Valentine's Day, 1 Corinthians 13:
If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. For we know only in part, and we prophesy only in part; but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.
May God Bless you today and every day.
Posted by
9:30 AM
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Lenten Decorations
We are in the Triduum of St Valentines day. Perhaps even the Octave of Valentine's Day. -Days of celebration of love, and fidelity. Kisses and hugs, Cards and chocolates, pink bunting and banners with hearts and cupids abound.
But next (after Mardi-Gras) comes Lent, season of ashes and pennance, and of the lengthening days and swelling buds that spell winter's doom. Where are the banners of Lent? What should it's popularly (not clerically) assigned liturgical colors be?
For me, Lent is grey, and green, with bits of pink and white. Ash, with hints of spring and new life.
I guess it would be unrealistic, even silly to expect our neighbors and friends to dress their houses in somber tones for Lent... ...bunting probably doesn't come in tones of mourning. But this year I am minded to keep a somber Lent.
Perhaps I can find some grey tule for my entryway.
Posted by
5:08 PM
Labels: Lent, Liturgical Colors
Monday, February 12, 2007
It's the kingdom of God that's near us
Jesus came down to a level place
And stood together with us
He said we should care about the human race
And about differences make no fuss
He said the poor would soon be blessed,
The rich would learn of want;
There would be love for the distressed,
There'd be no more wealth to flaunt.
And all this happened long ago.
It's been 2000 year.
And I think by now we all should know,
That the end may not be near.
It's the kingdom of God that's near us;
That's what the prophets say.
And we should be reaching out to it;
Every single day.
And how to walk with God?
How does God walk with you?
Just hear God's Word and do it.
That's all you need to do.
Posted by
10:27 PM
Labels: Discipleship, Love, Luke, Mission, Protology
Friday, February 9, 2007
Little people visit me
Little people visit me
They come most every week
With voices small they petition me
With faces kind and meek
A drawing or a cut-out
A little bit of glue
Bring happiness to little ones
Who love to make and do
Dear Lord so help us also
With faces clean and bright
Look for good things to do
And make the world more right.
Posted by
8:45 AM
Labels: Love, Mission, Stewardship
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Ten Things In Front Of Me
There are ten things in front of me,
Just ten things in front of me,
Only ten things in front of me,
And then I'm done,
I pick one up and put it behind me
Just one up to put behind me
I pick it up to put behind me
I move just one
There are nine things in front of me,
Just nine things in front of me,
Only nine things in front of me,
And then I'm done,
Someone puts another thing in front of me,
Just one more thing in front of me,
One more thing in front of me,
Before I'm done.
There are ten things in front of me,
Just ten things in front of me,
Only ten things in front of me,
And then I'm done.
Dear Lord:
Help us in our tasks in this life,
Help us to focus on the important ones, to add the tasks that make this world a better place, and help us to do quickly with patience, or avoid or even finesse away the make-work tasks that too often fill our days. Bless us and fill our hearts with joy, help us to see your footsteps in our everyday lives, and help us to follow where you lead. Give us strenth of spirit to achieve, and humbleness to succeed. And fill us with the peace of God, that passes all understanding, now and forevermore.
Perhaps on a similar topic:
Posted by
6:39 AM
Labels: Mission, prayer, Stewardship, Work
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Have Faith and Start Work
You have more than you think
You are better than you know
When you feel you can't start
You may be ready to go
When things look real dark
Look among your things
Rummage in your wisdom
Try to flap your wings
If you sit back and wait
For things to be just right
You may waste the whole day
And have to work in the night
And if you don't start when it's dark
Your plight may indeed be quite stark
You may not find your way
Into the new day
I hear Hell is no walk in the park
So start now and work without fear
Know that our God is quite near
God will help you
With the things that you do
So work on, and be of good cheer.
Posted by
9:56 AM
Labels: God, Mission, Stewardship, Wisdom, Work
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Satan was in my mailbox today
Satan was in my mailbox today
He was there yesterday too
I am impressed how hard he tries
To find bad things for me to do
He stuffs junk in my mailbox
He solicits me
Bombards me with temptation
For things that I don't need
Why don't you break the law?
Or buy this useless stock?
Pills so you won't feel Blah?
Or this expensive piece of schlock?
He tempts with things I can't mention,
Guilty pleasures galore.
Gluttony, lust, and luxury,
To buy more, and more, and more
To spend of the treasures I'm given
For things of neither good nor worth,
To spend my life in consumption,
Till I find my bed in the earth.
And then what would I tell my Maker,
About all the aged booze in my shed,
About my portfolio of junk-bonds?
My Rolls is no good if I'm dead.
And maybe that's how I will filter,
The good things from the bad.
Things that, when I meet my Maker
Will make us happy, not sad.
Posted by
5:44 PM
Labels: evil, Stewardship, Temptation, Wisdom
Thursday, February 1, 2007
The Friend's Response
Dear Friend:
Thanks for asking me to table
It's so nice that we can share
Whenever the family's together
Please know that I am there.
In response to: Dear Friend...