Monday, October 1, 2007

A God of Sacrifice

Shirley Guthrie on the one-ness of the Trinity from Christian Doctrine
Westminster/John Knox Press, Louisville

[...] The doctrine of the Trinity means that the will and action of God the Son in our behalf are not opposed to the will and action of God the Father; they are the Father's will and action. Christ does not change the attitude of God towards [sinful humanity]; Christ is the deepest expression of God's desire to be with and for us. If Jesus is the friend of sinners, then so is God. If God the Son takes the consequences of our sins on himself in self-giving, suffering love, then that is what God the Father does too.

Indeed, the self-sacrificing love of the Son is the love of God.

Hear and understand; the Lord our God is One.

Thanks be to God.


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