Friday, November 2, 2007

The First Psalm

(In a fixed meter)

Happy those who do not evil;
Who seek out not evil counsel;
Steering clear of paths of evil;
Scoffing not at what is righteous.

Happy those who study the law;
Who find delight in God's command.
Their roots tap unfailing water;
Greening them in drought and famine.

They bear fruit, they do not wither;
They are blessed and they will prosper.

This is not true for the wicked;
They do not have deep roots in them;

They thirst, suffer without releif.
Judgement will find them quite wanting;
With the righteous they can not stand.
Burned like weeds, they are cast away.

The Lord loves and guides the righteous;
Watches over every footstep;
It is not so for the wicked;
Their path leads to deepest
Their way is lost, where none should go.

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